17 April 2012

using curves

Recently I was taking some test shots of one of the the areas where I plan to do a shoot with my hubby using the chainsaw for the shutterspeed assignment. About six months ago our neighbours forced us to chop down one of our huge Blue Gums near their boundary, citing it was rotten in the middle and dangerous. They had it assessed by an arborist and so we felt the only thing to do was get it felled. When the tree was on the ground the tree feller said he was surprised to find that it was perfectly healthy throughout and at least 80 years old. Very sad. And we are not very happy with the 'professional' who assessed it or our flighty, demanding neighbours now, as you can imagine.

As the tree has laid on the ground for 6 months now the huge rounds have started to split revealing some beautiful patterns. I thought it would be fitting to document the beauty and age of the tree. I used curves in Photoshop to boost the contrast to really accent the tree's age rings.

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