19 April 2012

the cutting room floor - assignment 2

The following are some of my favourite shots from the shutter speed assignment shoot that didn't make the final selection but I still really like.

Milla in the morning grass

Great chainsaw action
This is gorgeous

I love this one too

This was a funny experiment when I tried to shoot Greg's reaction during the spin. 
Here I got Greg to stand still with his arms out and just moved the camera from left to right with a slowish shutter speed. The effect was obviously not what I was after in the end and I abandoned the idea as all the shots made him look very strange in a cone head type of way! 
This was the funniest one.

The divine miss milla

This one was actually taken spinning around.

Pretend you're dead (spinning needs recovery time)

Otto's best spin.
(I took all the pics with Otto as well in case Milla
didn't last the shoot or decided to not co-operate as
2 yr olds are known to do!)

Otto best sad reaction pic.
"Please stand still above me so
mummy can get her focus point right"....
Classic Milla.

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