10 April 2012

photo of the day - cropping

In this photo of the day I photographed Otto in the lounge room while he was playing Lego. I noticed the light coming through the window and looking great on his skin and giving a good contrast of light and dark within the frame (something I want to highlight and get better at with my photos). The original photo composition was quite busy though as it was taken quickly without staging him and rather just capturing a moment during play. I didn't want to interrupt him or be too contrived with it - so remembering what we learnt during the recent lecture on composition - "Does everything in the frame add to or take away from the image?" I think this is a good exercise in cropping and fixing up a frame with a little content-aware fill. I have included the original photo for comparison.

Original - not cropped.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Em,

    Thanks for letting me have a look around your journal - LOVE it!

    See you next week at Uni,

