1 April 2012

light & memories

After the lecture on Light, I took this photo in my bedroom the next morning. In line with exploring my concept of my childhood memories -  this image is based on a strong memory I have of staying in my grandparents house. Every morning at 6:50am without fail my grandfather would get up, go downstairs and bring up a tray with a paper and a pot of tea to share with my grandmother in bed while they both listened to the 7:00am news on the radio. I used to snuggle in next to my grandmother and watch her sipping her morning brew and look across at Grandpa buried in what seemed to be layers and layers of newspaper. It is such a warm memory for me and probably one of the main reasons I have loved drinking tea all my life and have a tendency to collect teapots (especially old ones). I also cherish having a cup of tea in bed before getting up....... although I'm still working on my husband getting up to prepare it for me everyday.

I like the morning light coming in though the window. I also like the even but slightly different tones of the bedlinen and how it creates a soft, gentle quality to the image. The ruffled covers suggest use and that something has just taken place here. I chose to position the teapot so the light fell half way across it to draw your eye to the beautiful shape of its curves.
The depth of field I have chosen here still allows the viewer to explore the bed and the creases in the fabric around the tray, but gives enough out of focus to hopefully evoke the feeling of the memory I am trying to achieve.

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