1 April 2012

a photo a day

Each time I use my camera - the quicker my confidence builds and the easier it is getting at selecting the right settings for the light and situation I'm photographing. Up until now though I've been finding it really frustrating to have plenty of creative ideas for images in my head that I would love to take,  but no real  technical skills or knowledge on how to convert these ideas into reality.

That being said....... I've decided to pick up my camera at least once every day and post "a photo of the day". I'm sure if I carry it around with me everywhere I will occasionally happen across some photo gold and if not..... I'm sure to develop some sound technical abilities at the very least.

Here is my first photo of the day. My daughter who is 2.5yrs has decided in the last fortnight to leave nappies behind (finally yay!) and wear 'big girl pants". Her favourite thing in the world at the moment is her strawberry shortcake knickers by which her fondness for them has played a huge role in her making this important transition so successfully. I feel like her little strawberry shortcake knickers have been the main topic of conversation between us for 2 weeks now and I'm quite fond of them!. As I pegged her 'smalls' out on the line next to daddy's enormous 'big boy pants' I noticed the lovely afternoon light and all the opposites. Big/little. Young/Old, Boy/Girl and Cammo Man/Strawberry Shortcake.

I'm sure my neighbours thought I was very strange for taking pics of my washing!

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