On the way to in to uni today I hit a wee bird with my car in Margate and it actually amazingly landed on the bonnet of my car and stayed there! I was quite surprised and sad to see something die in front of me (I'm a bit of a softy this way) that I decided to photograph it and develop a narrative of it's final moments. After I showed Ruth my pics in class and then got home to have a look at them properly myself - I realised it was exactly as Ruth had commented - far too literal! (and a little bit strange as well!) I realised that although this pic of the bird with the sun reflecting on the bonnet is interesting......

.......it was too just too strange without the back story of how the bird got onto the bonnet. The original narrative set of photos I took just didn't work as I really needed a shot of the sparrow alive first as well as some different angles. So I photographed the poor thing again on the way home and tried to rescue something to use from my efforts - but again it hasn't worked quite as I had hoped for. This was my final shot selection and if at the very least, a very good exercise in processing the photos and an experiment in knowing what NOT to do in the future.
This first attempt at my depth of focus assignment has helped me to realise not to be so literal (as I have been for years editing news stories) - but to embrace a more abstract, interesting and perhaps less obvious narrative storytelling. Also branching away from my concept intentions purely for a chance happening this time has not paid off. Never mind......
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