3 June 2012

photos of the day - first paid photography job!

Last weekend I was offered the job of photographing Sophie & Dale from Channel 9's "The Block" reality TV show when they visited Tasmania on a nation-wide road trip to meet the fans. I was hired to take shots of the couple with fans and these were to be printed and handed out for free as a nice gesture for the members of the local community. It was a great weekend and a fantastic opportunity for me to expand my photographic skills. I found it quite challenging to shoot in a large crowd, figure out how to manage the flash and try to capture some special moments along the way. No chance to say "stop can we do that again - I missed it!" All in all I made some classic mistakes the first day - especially with exposure and focus (as I did the whole shoot on manual) but nothing too major and I managed to learn from these and get some great shots both days. Great experience all up.

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